David Adefeso Teaches Fans All They Need To Know About Starting A New Business

David Adefeso is teaching his fans and followers all they need to know about starting a new business. Check out his post below.

‘Are you thinking about starting a new business? Or maybe you already have a business and need more money to operate it. Well, there are hundreds of millions — actually, more like billions — of dollars available to help you fund your business. And some of them are FREE — meaning you may never have to pay them back. Here, I give you step by step instructions on the best ways to fund your small business…..to assist you in hopefully one day growing it into a multi-million — or maybe even a billion — dollar business. Click the link in my bio to discover all the ways to break through the small business funding glass ceiling and hopefully propel yourself into that very select category of highly successful, fast growing unicorns,’ David captioned his post.

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A post shared by David Adefeso (@david.adefeso)

Someone said: ‘Mr. Adefeso, there are not enough group homes for special needs children,’ and a follower said: ‘My career has been with sexually, physically and emotionally abused children, as well as domestic violence victims. I made the application to open my home to do so and was approved, yet the house flooded and now the air unit is out. Im doing what I need to do on my end but getting money to help obtain a actual building would be such a blessing.’

A commenter said: ‘You are so knowledgeable I have known each avenue of funding for so long now its time for me to tap into it . Thank you for reinforcing the knowledge…KNOWLEDGE IS SO POWERFUL🙏🙌💯’

Also, David Adefeso just revealed what’s the problem with Bitcoin. Check out the clip.


‘While it could be a small addition to a well-diversified, long-term portfolio, Bitcoin on its own is one of the most volatile and speculative financial instruments that’s ever been created. So….proceed with caution!’ he said.
